Quality Assessment Framework

Our certification process is simple and transparent; we have taken out all the complications to help you move forward with the assessment and certification of your institution’s management system.


  • The Institution’s premises provide a safe, professional, and conducive workplace that complies with local regulatory guidelines.
  • Teaching and study spaces are designed to facilitate effective learning, including easy access for persons with disabilities.
  • The Institution has adequate resources for each course to cater to diverse student learning needs, styles, and preferences.
  • Teachers have access to space and resources to create classroom learning materials tailored to meet individual student needs.
  • The online environment is designed to support a positive and engaging user experience for students.
  • Learning and assessment strategies for online delivery, if applicable, are appropriate and effective.
  • Learning resources and technology support and facilitate student learning.
  • Integrated e-learning and reporting systems are in place to support courses.
  • The Institution has a well-organized library equipped with physical and/or electronic facilities and resources that are sufficient for the number of students and staff.
  • A help desk with easy access and a stable internet connection for the e-learning platform is available.
  • Clearly stated technical expectations and a system for Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) are in place and regularly assessed, with feedback provided to students.
  • The institution ensures the reliability, privacy, safety, and security of all electronic platforms used for e-learning or reporting on an ongoing basis.
  • Access to training is provided for off-campus or virtual students.
  • The Institution has an effective system of strategic and business planning.
  • The Institution has a valid and transparent organizational structure and system of reporting.
  • Robust financial systems are in place to ensure efficient management of resources.


  • The institution has qualified, competent, and experienced leadership with relevant education and background to oversee the development and management of a quality culture within the institution.
  • The institution has appropriate governance and management bodies that effectively support the organization in complying with local regulations.
  • The institution has clear communication systems and networks to promote internal and external information dissemination for public accountability.
  • The Institution has an organizational structure that effectively supports the provision of services to students.
  • The Institution utilizes effective systems for the dissemination of information to stakeholders.
  • The Institution promotes a performance and development culture for all staff, and sample contracts for management, academic, and support staff are available.
  • The Institution has clear policies and procedures that ensure equal opportunities and gender equality in human resources for recruitment, retention, and promotion of staff based on qualification, competence, and skills.
  • The Institution has effective, systematic, timely, and fair processes for the investigation of complaints, grievances, and appeals by students, staff, and other stakeholders.


  • Course design supports quality learning outcomes, with regular feedback from students analyzed by management.
  • Management reflects relevant student feedback on courses.
  • Teachers have appropriate training and/or experience for the courses they deliver and assess.
  • Evaluation of courses and lecturers is regular and rigorous.


  • The institutional vision, mission, and strategic objectives are publicly disclosed, reflect the aspirations and needs of stakeholders, and indicate strategic development plans and targets.
  • The objectives are translated into clear policies and strategic plans for quality assurance that are operationalized into achievable goals.
  • The development of the product or service is underpinned by substantial research.
  • The study programs or courses effectively fulfill their purpose, as evidenced by student feedback.
  • Processes are in place to maintain the quality of educational programs.
  • The educational programs demonstrate unique elements and innovation.


  • Student application and enrolment process is streamlined and user-friendly, with clear documentation and procedures in place for handling documents related to visa, refunds, and payments.
  • The institution promotes diversity and inclusivity in admissions, including gender mainstreaming and consideration of disadvantaged groups and persons with disabilities.
  • Students are provided with comprehensive information and support to help them adjust to living and studying in the country, particularly for international students.
  • Students are actively involved in their learning programs and are provided with support to enhance their overall experience.
  • Stakeholder feedback, including feedback from students, is regularly collected and integrated into the institution’s processes to enhance the student experience.
  • Arrangements are in place to ensure safe and efficient recruitment, transit, and reception arrangements for students.
  • Adequate accommodation services are provided to meet student needs.
  • The institution supports the welfare and wellbeing of all students, including providing information and training to staff, accommodation providers, and guardians/carers.
  • Institutional guidelines and processes ensure accurate collection and compilation of data on students’ admission, progress, performance, and graduation rates.
  • Institutional guidelines and processes promote student retention and progression, and address issues related to drop-out rates.
  • Rigorous processes are in place for issuance and storage of certificates, as well as detailed records and transcripts of students’ academic progress, assessment records, and attendance.


  • Course design supports high-quality learning outcomes aligned with the institution’s mission and objectives, and meets the expectations and needs of stakeholders.
  • Teaching staff possess appropriate qualifications and experience to deliver courses effectively.
  • Regular and rigorous evaluation of courses is conducted to ensure their quality.
  • Students are provided with necessary course information and learning support.
  • The institution must demonstrate official documents allowing it to grant degrees offered to students.
  • Formal agreements are in place for all programs offered in partnership with other institutions, outlining roles, responsibilities, and quality assurance arrangements.


  • Promotional material is ethical, accurate, and consistent in providing information about the institution.
  • Essential information about the institution is readily accessible to stakeholders.
  • The institution clearly communicates its commitment to quality assurance.
  • Agents and counselors adhere to an ethical framework in their practices related to recruitment.
  • Information provided to stakeholders, including prospective students, is ethical, accurate, and consistent.
  • Effective and transparent governance structures are in place to support agents, with documentation proving the relationship with agents presented as necessary.
  • Management supports a performance and development culture for counselors and staff.
  • Systematic risk management processes are in place for agents.
  • Stakeholder feedback, including feedback from agents and counselors, is routinely obtained to inform continuous improvement of services.

An educational institution must take several steps to gain INTEAS certification. Below is a simple representation of the process.


Once formal paperwork has been submitted to INTEAS, conduct an intensive review of the prepared materials, the written report and the general workings of the university or institution


After the peer review has been completed, INTEAS will examine on a distance basis the organization seeking the accreditation status.


By accepting accreditation status from INTEAS, a university or other institution agrees to uphold the quality standards set by the INTEAS.

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